Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The United States Visa issue viewed from a higher perspective


1. TRAVEL to Canada
From November 2009 to February 2010 I was visiting Hawaiian Islands [beautiful, amazing, awesome !] On February 20, 2010 it was time to leave the US and I wanted to travel to Canada. There are 2 professional contacts I was seeking to visit in Vancouver, it was in the middle of the Olympic Games. So I left San Francisco, I was travelling alone, I first landed in Portland and then arrived in Vancouver. It was the last day of my US visa allowance, and it was still okay to leave the US.

2. In VANCOUVER - Canada
The Vancouver police force heavily guarded the airport and I was taken out of the line because I travelled alone. I was questioned and finally after hours was denied entry in the country : I was sent back to the US. As the last flight to the US was gone, I had to stay over in the airport cells in the basement. They released me around 3 pm in the afternoon of the next day to allow me to catch the flight from Vancouver to Seatlle. I was not given back my passport yet and was VIP escorted by two Canadian officers. They were as kind to me as they could and were amused with me, as I found this all such an interesting experience !

3. Sleeping in SEATTLE - US
I landed in the afternoon of February 21 in Seattle and again 2 police officers were waiting for me, providing me the already accustomed VIP first lane treatment. As I was travelling with my guitar I felt being a superstar musician, that is what I liked to portray [with smiles]. They questioned me again during hours, filled out paperwork, signed etc.The officer Mr Chang found me guilty of violating the visa waiver law as the visa was valid until February 20 only and it was already February 21 [yes]. He said however it would no problem to come back, I was not expulsed for 10 years. He said I had to have the US embassy to agree to enter the country before a next trip.

I was too late to travel from Seatlle to Europe, so I was sent to the Tacoma detention center until there would be a next flight. This was a detention center, so I had to put on detention clothes, and go through medical exam and all. I had to stay there for 2 nights (I was told that it could have been 2 weeks), but that did not happen.

4. From Seattle to LONDON
The US sent me from Seattle out to London on February 23, where there were luckily no agents anymore... breathe in, breathe out.... By the way, I love London, so I stayed there for about 8 nights....

During the whole time I had no problem with the events, I considered this one of those amazing experiences that show you quite another side of the world, and it certainly made me wiser on matters of laws and people, and aspects of detention, the food, the circumstances, and much more. I had huge insights during those 3 days.


5. Booking a flight to SANTA FE - US
So today, May 26, I wanted to go to an event in the US. During the check-in at Brussels airport, the VISA reported denied. I tried several ways to bypass it, but the system would not allow me to travel. Had to cancel the flight and everything. Getting to the US embassy took too much time and the next flight was only 3 days later, which meant that I would arrive at the end of the event I wanted to go to. .... I had forefelt that it would happen, and something just told me not to go to the embassy upfront, I am just such a bad obedient person. The whole visa thing for me is already just too tied and robotic...Although usually I have loads of fun with it. As I was standing there, I just accepted it as it was and decided not to leave or try to arrange anything at all. I had loads of Starbucks coffees today... just about enough for a full week, maybe...

6. From a HIGHER Perspective
My way to look at what is happening is metaphysical. I believe the world to be totally reactive to yourself, and found that when things are in disharmony, not resonating together, they cannot meet and match. As I see matter as stable, neutral, the influence can only come from people. In the case of Canada and myself, I guess I did not harmonize with the events in Vancouver [the Olympic Games], nor the people I was going to meet... As such the reality shows an entrance denial into the country.

For the US it is the same. Something in Santa Fe's event must have vibrated in non-resonance, and therefore we are not meant to come together.

It is a weird way to explain why things happen, and I am contemplating this as a possible reason : it is like magnets, if they are not attracting, they repel. I believe it works with 2 people in the same way. Most might just be neutral with each other, like colleagues that do not work together, or with some you feel attraction, or with some you feel repulsion. And there are many variations. The Law of Attraction (and repulsion) continuously show quite naturally what 'belongs with you' - if you allow it, and let it happen in a fluid way.

In case of travel to Santa Fe, I probably have chosen to go there based on reason instead of being attracted. Or energies have shifted between the time of decision and the travel. It could also be that the place I left (Belgium) has greater attraction than the place I wanted to visit (Santa Fe).

So I am back home. Maybe something will now come my way, and it could be magical.

My learning is again : allow to be fluid instead of rigid. Not thinking my way through life, however allowing natural events to come to you, based on the natural Law of Attraction. It will make life so much easier, as it will be exactly what 'belongs' with you. Shall I just relax now ?

I wish all of you an awesome magical life !


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