Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From Soft-Iron to Gold - From friction to harmony

(picture : Polarity fields of soft iron : push and pull !)
Almost no person in this world of frequential layers is aware of the true effects of living in polarity.
People that employ soft-iron attitudes like emotional imbalances of doubt, anger, fear etc, charge themselves up for more of it. They shift from polarity and thus charge up the soft-iron core that they choose to carry by the mere movement from positive to negative.
People are unaware of the fact that they do not need to be the victims of polarity, and if they are aware, they do not understand how to end the polarity shifts that they feel inside and outside of themselves.
Polarity energizes this world. This polarity mechanics are currently the major creational attributes of this earth and results in the creation of what we call matter. Matter is nothing else than a certain pattern of light and sound, thus frequency and vibration.
Soft-iron is a metal that is a perfect conduit of the positive and negative energy and electricity. Soft-iron is more than a conduit : in this world soft-iron is the foundation of polarity into emotions, the reason for the existence of thought, and the reason for the existence of matter.
In the human, the whole polarity system is activated by emotions, body and mental activity. One thought, one emotion, one bodily movement activates friction, and that friction charges the soft-iron core of most people.
Only one thought will activate that polar part in a human and make him or her move into acting upon that thought. A thought-driven action is based on the platform of polarity and will as such always create a polarity creation, be it an invention, an idea, anything that emerges from the polarity field.
Polarity creations are the exact outpoor of polarity thinking. This means that in its make up, the thought will generate friction, sooner or later. That friction will always charge the whole creation and will cause it to eventually destroy itself and all the connected parts.
As most of the living humans on earth are unaware that they can actually choose not to act and decide out of polarity creation, they will automatically generate the same polarity in their life. As such, the creations that emanate from polarity, will endlessly repeat polarity. The outcome of perpetuating polarity will always end in charged magnetic fields of tension and friction. Polarity in its essence is a system of non-harmony.

Thus, one can say that the polarity field will always bring about friction and disharmony. In itself, it is polarity that regenerates the wars, the conflicts, the magnetized fields of iron-soft attitudes : fear, greed, lack, doubt, or the opposites.
There is a way to live in this world without the friction and tension of polarity : finding the 3rd point. In the 3rd point, the middle point between the 2 sides, one gets into the annihilation of polairity. Where both ends meet, the middle point will generate a non-polarity field that has different attributes. This point is the point of total stillness, and it is as such a unique portal into flowing into another power of life, that will equally generate life however with others laws. Laws of unity and equality, laws of respect.
This golden center is from a different quality and it reacts, is brought about by the golden heart attributes like : appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding and valor.
Those attitudes are the building blocks of the new world, the world of golden threads built on universal wisdom. The human can activate the attributes by choosing the attitudes of the golden heart and he / she will enter a new world of different creation.
The whole dynamic of that person will energetically change, and it will create a void of difference that supports the shift into higher truth.

(picture : Harmonized essence of Gold)

Pure Gold does not produce magnetics, as it does not need any outer ions from any other substance, it is self containing. Gold and its human emotional and thought attributes within the human has the effect to generate sovereignty in the total system. A person that acts Gold, instead of soft-iron, is a self contained, sovereign and balanced person. There is more to this world than what the eye meets.

Aka Komaya
July 2010

PS. Gold is not magnetic because it does not produce a magnetic field of its own. Ferros metals, eg. iron, nickle and cobalt, are able to create their own magnetic field due to their atomic structures.

Each molecule of an element has a specific atomic structure. This is comprised of atomic shells, which can hold a total of 8 ions in each shell. The number of ions is denoted by the element's atomic number, eg. calcium's atomic number is 20, meaning that the atomic shell structure of a calcium atom is 2 (max. on inner shell), 8, 8 (8 is max in outer shells) and finally two left over in the final outer shell.

This last outer shell is the important part. The ions left available in this shell will be attracted to other shells of other elements that are not at their max ion capacity of 8. This is also true for iron atoms which have 2 in their outer shell also, causing it to be attracted to other elements and more volatile as a result.

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