Friday, July 30, 2010

Here and now

There is something mysterious about being Here/Now. It is the only place of creation and power, and every moment of Now generates that what is hidden in our own human fields, created by desires, wishes, intents, ideas, the heart.
Every step of the way is forged only one second before in the living field of our human self and it becomes then an apparent life-movie. As we are, we create. As we create, we are.
Every person has a story in his body and mind, some of the stories are unconscious and seem to be run by a program. Other stories are very conscious and are run by the higher spirit of truth, the one that is the rightful owner of life. There is a deeper layer to life than just walking the earth, however it cannot be found on earth. It can be found when one becomes silent and still.
In the moment of stopping the outside, the Here/Now reveals a stillness that is of another quality, it does not speak, it does not move, however it fills the whole universe with essence. In that essence there is fulness, something that is not of this world.
Here/Now is a portal to something deep that cannot be named truly : it is the life of the no-life, going through the gate of no-gate, it is the noise of the no-noise. It is the middle point of two opposite forces...and then there is something else....
aka Komaya
July 2010

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