Sunday, August 22, 2010

Freedom comes when you learn to say 'no'

Freedom from what ? We do not know, but there is something that we want different. The world ? Yes, and ourselves to start with.
So, what is going on ? We are led to get 'outside' of ourselves, and solve things IN the world. However the key to ending the cage is not there.
We are the key.
It's going to feel good, that is for sure. Break that chain ! It can only be done by you, noone else.
Stand up and live, yourself. Learn to say 'no' to things that do not serve love and life. Learn to say 'no' to fear and insecurity, it is only thoughts that controlling frequencies emit.
We set ourselves free by becoming active 'compassion', active 'appreciation', active 'golden hearted', active 'forgiveness'... A new dynamic enters this world that changes the face of everything.
The earth reality DOES change with thoughts.
Do not fear anything ! Do not be afraid, love is the answer ! The way of the warrior of peace is the one that understands that the demons were inside, not outside.

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