Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Empathic ? Dealing with it

If you start to discover empathic capacities, meaning that you are able to feel the other as you do yourself, there are a few things that you need to remember to fully grasp that quality.
Empathic people are usually naturally so. Many times they are not really aware of their capacity to feel the other, taking over the quality of the other. It goes very far, empathic people will naturally start to resonate with whom they are, and if he/she is a lot with a certain person, a good friend, or a partner, the empath will take over certain characteristics of the other, going from emotional qualities, the way they think and even physical qualities.
Depending on who has the dominant resonance, both will align to that stronger frequency. If the strength of resonance is about the same, both persons will start to energetically intermix and become a middle point of the two.
People that are capable of channeling an entity are by nature empaths, they allow the entity to temporarily take over the frequency of the channeler, and as such they usually act as tandem. Sometimes the entity is allowed to fully control the body and takes over for a while. It all depends on the agreement between the 2 souls. By way of clarification : nothing can take anyone over unless - at some level - it is allowed. This is for the ones that would be afraid of an energetic take-over : it CANNOT happen without your consent. Know then at all times, what you are agreeing to allow. That is, by the way, a golden rule for everything.
It is important to note that if you are 'linked' to another person that chooses to carry some attributes that you would prefer not to have, you still will be taking over those attributes, because of your choice to remain - thus energetically linked - with that person. Usually that choice is made by 'social obedience' rather than by freely wanting to be together. Such is the nature of the set-up of the social world, it does not allow you easily and in free-choice to move swiftly from person to another person... you should remain 'friends' or 'partners' forever. You then also remain energetically linked to what you sometimes already have learned and can let go. So, the responsibility and choice always comes back to you.
If you like to take charge of your life, more independently, you will need to find friends that have the behaviour that reflects what you look for. If you then select to stick with people that have another 'learning curve', you might feel trapped in your development. Much of what people do has to do with the unawareness of their empathic capacities, and the influence on their life.
This blog is about sharpening your sense of choice, opening up to the invisible influences, hidden controls and showing the absolute capacity to take charge of your own life. Look sharply with whom you are connected, family or friends alike, or even persons that live in your close neighborhood. What they represent - and energetically carry - will affect you more than you know. It is up to you to see what you will do with this.
Again, everything will depend on your capacity of acting on your highest will, and not on the will of others. Emotional ties will try to stop you from being you. However, the true love is the one that is silent, behind the emotional heart, and has no problem with the sense of what is called 'separation', because IN THE SILENT HEART, true love knows that we are ONE. In the silent heart another type of love will be discovered which has a greater, expanded effect than the emotional heart which will want the oppositive : restriction to a specific other.
The silent heart will embrace greater 'lands; and make you care beyond the family and friends, and show that your heart is absolutely in LOVE with all of humanity, nature and much more. For you to discover.
With that HEART, staying together for the sake of 'friendship' or 'family' etc, is not an issue. Everything is always ONE in the true, silent heart. Emotions and thoughts will try to slow down an awakening persons, making him/her believe in separation of each other. Nothing is further from the truth, but that is up to the awakening empath to find out.
How will you find the ones that energetically belong to your resonant family. First by choosing change, then by allowing what does not belong to you to drift away, in respect for their quality, and then to allow the new energy to come to you as you open yourself up to anything that comes your way.
It is the most important thing, to see with whom - and what - you are connected. Again, the influence is invisible, yet the outcome highly influential. May your Silent heart of truth be heard. EARTH and humanity is in expectation of your silent, yet powerful voice, metaphorically speaking. It will have a quantum effect, as you allow the greater LOVE to pour through you.

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