Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Neutralizing low frequencies

Sometimes it is necessary to get rid of a part of yourself to breathe again, and to find harmony. It is when I momentarily separate myself from fear (expressed in another person), that I then can re-integrate that part as a neutral energy that comes home... Yes, so-called separation is part of the neutralizing power of forgiveness.
It is not really about people for me, it is about the frequency that you are connected to [that is my own way of perceiving].
Now, a fear person, depressed person, is a carrier of something you like to get transformed within yourself.... The only way I have experienced that this transformation can come about, is by separating yourself from it, breathing and then allowing the powerful forgivenss and other high frequential love vibes to neutralize.
The heart transforms it all, it must however be allowed to feel what is going on, and that is the scary part, but still... if allowed it transforms amazing amounts of lower frequency. Like a reverse wave therapy, you know.
The synchronistic events show themselves to push you in the direction, you are most afraid to willingly walk into... But you must go finally.It might not be always the best solution [although it is usually], and if error, I have to choose again.
Sovereignty is a road that demands some seemingly 'courageous' disconnections....It gives space to connect with 'new frequencies' that are more likely to connect with your own vibe. The heart knows.

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