Monday, December 13, 2010

AWARENESS - Adamus : Shoud 5: "Sha-dhar" (Crimson Circle)

[Heart Consciousness Note : below is a part of the crimson circle shoud of December 2010, the total text can be found on The below extract is about humans versus society in the role of the coming years.]

What’s Next?

So the question becomes, what next? What next? You’ve got the tools. You know what to do – keep it simple and breathe life into life. You’ve got all the tools. Actually, sometimes you try to go back and remember, “What was it we said?” Don’t try to remember. You already know. So what next?

We’ll talk about this more coming up, but 2011 and 2012 are going to be very, very chaotic times on Earth. (someone says “Oh shit”) Oh shit. (laughter) Yes. Who said that? (laughter and applause as he hands her a metal sign) “You Are God Also.” Yes. Good.

They’re going to be very chaotic, and we’ve been talking about this for a little while. Why? Because – it’s very easy – just take a look at what you’ve gone through in this lifetime, the last couple of lifetimes maybe, that’s what Earth is going to go through. It is following you. You are the fashion trendsetters of consciousness. Yes. You are the ones that are basically leading the way that others are coming.

You want to know what’s happening? Take a look at your own life. Financial turmoil these next few years. If I was the head of the Federal Reserve – (someone says, “Run”) Run; who said run? (he hands her a sign) “Shaumbra” – I’d be panicking. Now, please take a moment to hear what I’m saying.

The world financial system is on the brink! And we’re not talking conspiracies. We’re not talking drama or fear. Actually, you should celebrate. It is hanging by a fine, fine thread. Just watch what the governments are doing every day to just keep it functional. It’s hanging by a thread. That’s the good new. Because it’s causing so much chaos and stress for some of the people that have been managing the world money, they’re getting tired of this. They’re getting tired of hanging on by a thread. You know what that’s like? You should. They’re really going to do something about it. And it’ll upset a lot of people who are claiming that it’s a conspiracy or that it’s the aliens taking over or it’s the Hapsburgs or the Rockefellers or whatever. It’s not! It’s not.

I tell you this. No one government or family or group of families can control the world finances anymore. It’s way too confusing. It’s way too diverse. It’s enormous. So you can’t have a little group … you could two, three hundred years ago, but come on. Not any more.

The system isn’t really based on any true value. It is based on what? (someone says, “Trust”) Trust! There you go. Please another … yes. Which would you like? (he brings him a sign) Eh, you get “Clarity.” You get “Clarity.” Yeah, yes.

VINCE: I’ve been looking it!

ADAMUS: Ah, you’ve been looking for it. (laughter) I feel like the Wizard of Oz today! (more laughter) So you get “Clarity.”

Trust. It’s all based on trust. And what do you know about your personal experience of trust over these last few years? Questionable. Makyo-able. (Adamus laughs) The last thing you could do is to really trust yourself, so this is what the world is going through. It’s very easy. You want to be a famous seer giving predictions and readings and, you know, at the beginning of the year they come out with all these newspapers with headlines. You could be famous for doing this. You don’t have to actually really know anything other than what you’ve gone through.

World finances are hanging by a thread. That’s the good news, because it’s forcing governments, people and – (he sits for a brief moment) Cauldre wants to sit; I don’t think so! (laughter) – and others to work on a new system. Oh yes, all the conspiracists come out and say things like, “Oh, we’re going to go to a one world government.” Maybe. Maybe it’s time. Maybe it’s time to have a little bit of unification as well. And I have no specific opinion on that, but just take a look at it.

So you’re coming to a whole new way of finances in the world and a whole new understanding of abundance. It’s going to dawn on somebody one day; they’re going to be famous and get on television and say, “There are plenty of resources in this world to go around for everybody and we’ll still have ten times the amount left in the vault.” Absolutely! (some applause) Muted applause there, but absolutely. And there is. There is plenty of food. They throw food away every day. There is plenty of land to grow food. The agricultural industry has amazing technology that is in file drawer. Why? Because it doesn’t make financial sense because there’s already too much food. It’s bad distribution and bad politics.

By the way, on the financial systems in the world, it’s not going to be the governments or the banks that fix it. It’s going to be … (someone says, “Us”) Yes, but your consciousness, your life force energy going into businesses. Businesses. They’re the ones who have the biggest vested interest in keeping this thing together. They’re the ones who actually are doing something. They’re, at some level, working with the potentials that you’ve helped to set up, they’re going to tap into that. It’s going to be businesses that get together.

Businesses don’t go to war. Do you notice that?

LINDA: Unless you’re Halliburton. (lots of laughter, then applause as Adamus gives her a metal sign)

ADAMUS: “Self-love.” Beautiful. But they’re not going to war with other businesses; their business is war. Businesses don’t fight. So they have had to learn to work together or to annihilate each other in different ways. But they don’t blow each other up.

Business is going to change also. This whole concept of competition was interesting, but what about collaboration, cooperation? That’s what’s going to be happening in the world.

So, dear Shaumbra, all this is happening. Anything that you went through, the world is going to go through it. The poverty, the self-doubt, the gaining weight, the getting sick – the world’s going to go through it, particularly these next two years. Do not panic. Have compassion. Breathe. It’s going to work out just fine.

And, you know, guess what? It doesn’t have to take anything away from you. You’re not – Cauldre stops me again – you’re not part of that anymore. You left a number of years ago. You made a choice – we didn’t pull you kicking and screaming – you said, “I’m going to release myself from mass consciousness.” And you kept a few feelers in there, we saw you. “I’ll mostly release from mass consciousness.” So it’s not your issue anymore. You don’t have to be part of the chaos.

I think it was Tobias who said, just before he left, there’s going to be burning of cities. He didn’t say my city and other cities, but that’s what’s happening. You’re seeing it. Mass destructuring of systems, of science, of math, of medicine, of banking that have been around for 500 years or more. It’s time for that to change. That’s what’s going to be happening.

The important thing for each and every one of you is to remember your safe space, to remember you’re divine, to remember how you can bring life into your life. Remember really what you’re here for – creating potentials for the new world. Creating potentials for the new world.

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