Sunday, August 28, 2011

Re-post : the power of forgiveness

There is a cosmic power that helps de-activate charged polarized emotions. In other words, there is a way of being that will heal, restore and silence emotions that bring out of balance : forgiveness.
Emotions of the lesser kind, or what is perceived as lesser kind, are put upon humanity. Those emotions are strong emotions of worry, sadness, guilt, and destructive anger (not the same as discontent with the outcome of a situation that needs for change)~
Now you can choose not to take in the strong negative emotions. You can CHOOSE not to be unhappy, you can CHOOSE to find the gift in any situation. All situations have been created for a reason, by YOU. There is ALWAYS a diamond stored within the mud that is thrown at you
Some practical suggestions when you get pushed by the external forces of negative emotions :
- Silence down, do not react immediately
- Observe what is happening within your own system
- FIND the gift
- Know that the situation is a catalyst for a change that YOU desire
- Let go of the insane sense or responsibility that you take on FOR THE OTHER, it is not respectful to take responsibility for another human. They have their own rights, stay away from that attitude
- Look at what it brings to you, it is created by you, so this is something that you wished !
- Be honest with yourself
- There is nothing that you cannot handle yourself
- Tackle the problem by focusing on what it frees up for you : a new life, a new chance, freedom, letting go of something that appears in your life which does not serve you ?
- Take action WITH self-respect and respect for the other's choice
~- Create a new situation based on the wisdom of the old situation
- The emotions are breaking out because something needs change, honor them
~  - Respect yourself and GROW, EXPAND and LOVE the change
- Understand you are outgrowing something, release the shackles. Appreciate yourself in that
~- LOVE is always on your side, lighten up, smile and change your focus
The cosmic power that helps transcend any negatively oriented emotion is forgiveness
Forgive yourself, and forgive the other
Feel that power, feel what it does to you. You will transform negative emotions with the forgiveness, it is a frequency that neutralizes and brings an opportunity that we call 'breath'~
Humans are in a phase of transcending into a new era, leaving behind the old that has lasted for thousands of lifetimes. We are becoming beings that touch the source codes of life themselves, we ARE love.
As such, the new human is in the phase of letting go of the cage, and is growing in remembering what has always been : creation from the place of heart, not the sadly emotional heart, the empowered heart of the cosmos.~
My sharing is yours, your sharing is mine.
With strength, respect and wisdom.
And loads of humor, joy and laughter too.

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