Thursday, May 20, 2010

Komaya Quotes

Every moment of your existence you are creating what appears in front of your eyes.
The past and the future are dreamdust, they are nothing more than imagery in the mind.
Past and future are in constant flux, they change all the time in the mind of the person, recreated within the NOW moment and current state of the person’s perceptions. This world is a mind-made world, and only a fraction of the true beingness of totality that we are. We are universes, and in the universes we are the center.
Thinking is a stroke of the mind.
No-mind is the real state of the natural man.
Time and space are bendable, you define how long something lasts, and you define how far away something is. It is all changeable with mastery of the space/time continuum that emerges from your mind.
You are the constant creator of everything around you, and it changes with every perception, with every belief system. Every belief is a lie.
Everything is a possible and dreamdust, until taken as a truth, which will then result in the materialization of that truth. However, truth becomes than a very personalized belief system that will always reduce you to just a few concepts of that truth, and not allow the other potentials to come forward. It is important to change your habits EVERY day, because a routine is just one potential that has been accepted and rules out the magnificence of much more in life. Change yourself, take away all habits and live your life fully. You are not just one being with one little life.
The mind is a multi-layered reality concept in which one can easily continue to create subfrequential realities. The more ingrained in created realities, the more one is living in the mind system and not in the intuitive core of self. Silencing down the mind shatter brings about the silence of the inner core and the true depths of wisdom.
Don’t move at all ! And you will change the law of physics ! The polarity works only when you move… don’t move. If you move, you continue the activation of this world and its workings within the mental suppression. Don’t move.
When you sleep there is no apparent time shift. There is no time, and when waking up in the morning it is a program running saying that ‘time’ has moved on during the night. That has not happened. Some activity is in the wake up moment, and that activity is mainly steered by the mind program to restore forgetfulness and to pretend 'time' to exist.
One of the greatest fears of a human is to let another human look into his eyes. The eyes are a portal to the heart, which cannot and will not hide what it feels.
Emotions versus Feelings : emotions area side product of the mind and ultimately disconcert the beholder. They are superficial, however felt intense, do not last long and push the beholder to take quick and sometimes important decisions. Emotions are strong pulls and are the basis most people work with to forge their lives. They are inner movements quite capable of insanity and intense decisions, and one should be very careful when having emotions. They are like unlikely to provide good end-results, as they are a highly volatile basis to live your life on. They are unstable and move all the time. Feelings however have a different attribute, they are long-lasting and genuine, and are a foundation on which one can build : appreciation, forgiveness, compassion, equality, valor. These are everlasting and great companions for a quality life.
Weak heartedness is a frequency and always seeks self-perpetuation through energetic vampirism. The psychological attributes are dependency, greed, lack, belief in smallness, emotional pull and push, fear. There are many variations, however personal relationships always in one way or the other thrive on the weak heart and subsequent decision making is influenced by the foundation of the total belief system around the above psychological traits. Respectful detachment seems to be a worthy substitute for healthy communication and interaction. The attributes of the strong heart are appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, equality, understanding and valor.
May 2010
aka Komaya

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