Saturday, May 22, 2010

Life attitude of the new Energy : How do you live time when time is only NOW ?

The end of times, the Mayans spent their culture on the topic of time, defining it, showing it, picturing it out, explaining it and providing information about the end of it. And that end of time is predicted about now.

Works and books are spent to elaborate on time, and clocks are everywhere. How can such topic, such attitude of life end ? How is that possible on a planet where space-time is a building stone of life ?

I can only elaborate on my own experience, and that is what you will read here below. I hope you will enjoy it.

Time. I have been raised in the Europe, with clocks and deadlines, with structures and rules. And then I got this inner urge that provided me a possibility to explore beyond normality and beyond time.
Some people ask me ‘how are you living your life ?’ and too many times I find myself trying to explain, however, it always seems a bit complicated, because it is so simple. I am thus writing down what I experience, so that people can actually read a bit of what ‘time’ has become for me.

I consider living a life in the NOW. In order for me to do that, I had to get out of time-structured living, I had to leave all the places that dictate their movements through time. I left my job, I left social connections, I left the country, I left everything, and have no possessions, just a suitcase. I am not dictating to anyone to leave things, like I did, however I can reveal what this showed to me : timelessness.
Currently I live a life where no one dictates me what to do and when to do, no deadlines, no clockwork activities at all. I live without watch, my clock is inside of me. That inside is a silent movement that just warns me at the precise moment to do something e.g. to call that person now, to make that food now, to write that book now, to go out to that restaurant. It uses the language of feeling : the NOW moment is a language that is meant to be sensed. It kind of invites you, never pushes you, gentle, natural and kind.

Very simple, you start to rely on it, you first trust yourself, and then see how you can blend in a world of clock-driven activities, where a structure of social obedience, family or organization or the government is at work. I belief these time-leaders will be going through a transformation, as we evolve in the understanding of living in the NOW, it reveals the inner leader. As such the outer leaders will shift into service by coordination, instead of service by dictation.

I think this is a beautiful shift into self-empowerment and wish for everyone to grow into sensing the inner compass. It very much makes life just so much more fun and easy.

Living in the now, is about forgetting the past and not predefining the future. Live simply now, and allow things to come to you, naturally. It is weird to live in a world that is clock-driven, and yet sustaining a timelessness attitude, but it can be done. Sensing from within, not trying to analyze or understand.

In the NOW zone there is much peace and quiet.

Looking at a rose or a rock is an act of timelessness, just observing, no analysis.

Zen-sation of NOW.

May 2010
Aka Komaya

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